
mental health training Hamilton, mental health training Waikato, mental health training New Zealand

Kia ora

With years under my belt in operational management, workforce development and senior leadership, I’ve learned a lot about mental wellbeing and the crucial link with thriving and high-performing workplaces.

I am an experienced trainer, facilitator and coach and have worked across the private and government sectors as well as in mental health and social services. With a background in behavioural science, neuroscience and coaching psychology, I deliver mental wellbeing education courses, workshops and coaching for businesses, community organisations and government departments.

As a certified partner of The Breakthrough Co, I also deliver leadership training that gives leaders the practical people skills they need every day to drive their business - all through a lens of mental wellbeing to keep it sustainable.

My focus is on equipping others with people skills that work, and on helping to increase mental health literacy across workplaces and communities, so we can all perform at our best, with the right support.

Ngā mihi nui, look forward to working with you.

Annabelle, Director of Upward Spiral

MHFA Aotearoa accredited instructor

Certified Partner of The Breakthrough Co